Metro style Scroll Bar for Java (JMetro)

Here is the Scroll Bar control with a metro style (light and dark theme):

ScrollBarLightThemeScrollBarDarkTheme There is a bug on javafx that won’t allow to change the style of the thumb when it is pressed.

The css code to style the thumb on this state is present on the stylesheets so  the pressed state style of the thumb will become visible, whenever the bug disappears from the javafx runtime.

As a reminder, all you need to do to style your whole application with this metro style is to add the desired stylesheet (the dark or the light theme file) to the root node of the scene.

One thing that is on the to-do list for this project is changing the controls sizes to better accommodate touch. Some controls are too small right now for that.

On the future I’ll be adding this to the JFxtras repository so besides being able to get it from the usual place you’ll also be able to get it from there.

Metro style Context Menu for Java (JMetro)

Another update to JMetro: Context Menu with a metro style.

The dark and light theme both have the same styling on this control:

contextmenu metro

You can’t see the mouse pointer because this was screen captured. It’s over the “Highlight” label.

You can get this from the usual place:

If you dig into the css code you’ll see that there’s also a commented out implementation of the tooltip control. Unfortunately JavaFX CSS for this control is currently faulty, so we’ll have to wait for another release of JavaFX to fix this.

One last note: if you haven’t submitted the survey to put JavaFX on mobile and tables, please do so here: . It will take you less than 5min and can make the difference between it actually happening or not.

Metro style Radio Button for Java (JMetro)

Here is an update to JMetro: the RadioButton with a metro style.

A picture of the demo app running with the light and dark metro theme:

You can get it at the usual place.

Metro style Check Box for Java (JMetro)

Here is an update to JMetro: the Checkbox with a metro style.

A picture of the demo app running with the light and dark metro theme:

The first button has the focus, that’s why it has a dashed square around it. I’ve also made changes to the push button. You can get everything from the same place.

I’ve also changed how you apply the theme. Now all you have to do is add the style sheet and buttons and checkboxs will change style automatically. That’s because now I’m overriding the default look of the controls so you don’t have to add style class’s to them.

The fonts aren’t still the same as in Metro, I’ll try to see if I can change that in a later iteration. Even if you test this on Windows 7, which also has Segoe UI, it will be different because Segoe UI on windows 8 is slightly different.